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Macdonald set for Kings debut

Gloucester City Kings forward Fraser Macdonald has received clearance just in time for today's season and home opener. The 6'8 Australian has just graduated from the University of Maine at Augusta in the USA. Macdonald finished his senior season averaging 13.4ppg and 9.8rpg and will now continue his basketball career with the Kings whilst completing his masters at the University of Gloucestershire. We caught up with Fraser ahead of this weekend's clash against the Plymouth Raiders to talk about his debut and expectations for the season.

1. Fraser how are you feeling ahead of your debut game with Gloucester City Basketball?

I’m excited. The team has been working really hard all pre-season and we’ve had a good couple of weeks together since I’ve been here so I can’t wait to get out on the floor with the guys.

2. What aspects of your game have you been focusing on in preparation for your debut?

Post work and post defence. This team plays a lot through their bigs so controlling the paint is going to be a key to winning.

3. How has the team helped you integrate and prepare for your first game with them?

They’ve been great. Since I’ve been here everyone has been really welcoming and helpful with trying to get on the same page with everything. Especially all the plays and defensive schemes

4. Have you set any personal goals or targets for yourself this season?

My last season in college I was 0.2 rpg away from averaging a double double so it’d be nice to hit that target this season. But above everything I want to win so whatever the team need from me to achieve that, is a target for me

5. How do you plan to handle the pressure and nerves associated with a debut game?

I have a love/hate relationship with game day nerves. They always make you feel a bit uncomfortable and on-edge but I know that when I’m in that state is when I perform the best because I’m the most wired so I don’t really try to calm the nerves I just embrace them and ride with it.

6. What do you believe you can bring to the team this season?

I hope to bring a big inside presence to the team this season. I want to own the paint when I’m on the floor and bring energy to the team.

7. Are there any players or teams you look up to for inspiration in your basketball journey?

My cousins actually inspire me a lot. They play baseball and rugby at a very high level. I’m pretty close with them and consider them more brothers than cousins. Seeing the work those guys put in on a day to day basis and how they deal with adversity inspires me to strive to do the same.

8. How has your previous basketball experience prepared you for this exciting season?

My time in the states has prepared me really well for this season. There are a lot of similarities to life here as an international basketball player and life in the states as an international basketball player so I think that experience will prove invaluable this season.

9. What message do you have for your supporters and fans as you step onto the court for your first game with Gloucester City Basketball?

I’d say to get excited. This club is poised to do some really big things this year. We’ve got great people through the whole organisation from the front office to the coaching staff, starters to the bench guys, everyone has bought into the vision so it’s going to be really exciting to see what we can do this season.

Tickets are still on sale for today's NBL season and home opener, CLICK HERE.


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